Press Herald Op-Ed: Let’s turn pandemic lifelines into ladders out of poverty

The Portland Press Herald recently published an op-ed written by Chief Program Officer Nicole Witherbee about the opportunity Child Tax Credits present for lifting families out of poverty. “In greatly increasing the eligibility for and amount of Child Tax Credits, the stimulus is estimated to cut child poverty in half over the next year. While … Read more

Press Herald Op-Ed: Families get long-term boost from support that focuses on both generations

The Portland Press Herald has published an op-ed written by Senior Program Associate Jennifer Beck about using a two-generation approach to support family success amid the pandemic. “In this new year there is an opportunity for our state to regroup, recover and rebuild – not just from the pandemic, but also from the systemic barriers … Read more

Lewiston Learns from Harlem

With support from the John T. Gorman Foundation, a delegation of local leaders working to address poverty in Lewiston traveled to Harlem to learn from the groundbreaking work of the Harlem Children’s Zone, whose mission is “To break the cycle of poverty in Central Harlem by working at scale to build community, strengthen families and … Read more

Sun Journal: New grads for Lewiston Construction Skill Training Program

The Lewiston Construction Skill Training Program–a Foundation-supported workforce initiative at Community Concepts–has five new graduates, bringing the total up to 20 people who have completed the program. Four of the latest graduates already have found jobs with local construction firms. Congratulations to these graduates. Read all the details about this innovative program at the Sun … Read more