Summer 2023 Newsletter: The Power of Community

In this John T. Gorman Foundation summer newsletter, you can learn more about our partnerships to strengthen opportunities for children and families, – including transformative work in Lewiston; two-generation initiatives that tap into the power of housing; successful efforts to help families build the assets they need for economic mobility; initiatives to support children and caregivers impacted by domestic violence; and much more. In their own ways, each show what the ‘power of community’ can do when matched with effective strategies to improve outcomes for children and families.

Winter 2023 Newsletter: The Next Evolution of Our Work

We are excited to share an update on the direction and focus of the John T. Gorman Foundation’s work over the coming years. We remain committed to improving the lives of Maine people most acutely experiencing the adverse effects of poverty. But, to make greater progress toward that goal, we will be focusing more intensively … Read more

Fall 2022 Newsletter: Grateful, Energized, and Proud

Dear Friend, As I review our Fall Newsletter, I can’t help but feel an overwhelming sense of gratitude, energy, and pride. I’m grateful to be able to learn from the John T. Gorman Fellows, who just wrapped up their nine-month seminar with presentations on the outcomes they are working to achieve. The event also gave … Read more