Foundation announces fifth cohort of John T. Gorman Fellows

State school-aid policies and poverty segregation are related to racial and socioeconomic test-score gaps in New England metro areas

New research from the New England Public Policy Center explores socioeconomic and racial test-score gaps in metropolitan areas of New England, accounting for state school-aid policies and poverty segregation. Northern New England states have the smallest average test-score gaps, although these states are also less racially diverse. In terms of poverty segregation, the study found that metropolitan areas where low-income students are less segregated were associated with smaller racial and socioeconomic test-score gaps. More progressive state school-aid policies–those that provide more aid to school districts with greater student poverty–were associated with smaller test-score gaps in high-poverty metropolitan areas. While this report cannot conclude that more progressive state aid directly reduces test-score gaps, this research suggests that progressive school-aid policies may help support more equal educational opportunities. #education #racialequity