Foundation announces fifth cohort of John T. Gorman Fellows

Higher Education Can Support Parenting Students and Their Children with Accessible, Equitable Services

More than one fifth of all college students are parents, who may be at risk of being pushed out of school by a system not designed to accommodate their needs. Parenting students often earn higher GPAs than their classmates without children, but are less likely to complete their degrees. Less than one third of mothers obtain a degree or certificate within six years of enrollment.When parenting students have the support they need to attend to their studies, they create opportunities for themselves, their children, and society at large. Single mother students who finish their degrees have higher lifetime earnings and contribute more in taxes throughout their lifetimes than those who do not finish. For every dollar invested in services that support single mothers in school, the United States would get back approximately $5 in increased tax contributions and decreased reliance on public assistance. Parents with higher levels of education also pass on many benefits to their children, spanning educational, health, and behavioral outcomes. #education #workforce